Heptiamond Stars Database

Of the 226 559 168-iamonds with dihedral symmetry of order 6 (provided by George Sicherman), only the 182 shown here are tileable by heptiamonds. These bear a strong resemblance with snowflakes in their most commonly known form.

Click on a parameter to list all stars that have it. Click on a tiling to show only it. Use the arrows in the header to sort.

Colour of shapes corresponds to the number of holes they have. The area of the holes is calculated as number of empty triangle cells within the star. The diameter corresponds to the number of triangle edges of the width of a star.

Many thanks to Rick Mabry for his valuable suggestions and proof reading!

Reset all criteria | Shell classification | A few octiamond stars

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Developed by Todor Tchervenkov: tchervenkov@gmail.com